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More Than Mindset

Oct 26, 2021

The past few weeks, we’ve been talking about Human Design and the different Human Design types, strategies, and authorities. This week, discover the reality of integrating Human Design into The Punch-Line Approach, and how they complement each other to open up new possibilities.



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Oct 19, 2021

Tune in this week whether or not you’re a Manifestor because this episode is offering some really intriguing insights into how to support the people in your life who are Manifestors. We’re discussing the strategy of informing as it relates to Manifestors and their relationships, and where Manifestors generally run...

Oct 12, 2021

Tune in this week to hear some amazing stories from these Generators and Manifesting Generators. We’re discussing their strategies and authorities, what all of this means, and the impact this knowledge has had on their lives. Understanding their Human Design has changed the way they interact, respond, and operate...

Oct 5, 2021

This week, we’re discussing Sandy, Candy, and Tammy’s experiences of finding out they are Human Design Reflectors, and how it’s shown them their whole lives in a completely new light. They’re sharing what it means to them to be Reflectors, and how discovering their type has allowed them to enjoy...