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More Than Mindset

Sep 27, 2019

Today, we are talking a deep look at the wounds that we carry with us and how they impact our capacity to grow and be successful. I want to show you how you can stop feeling stuck in those old wounds and what healing through integration can bring into your life.

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Sep 20, 2019

This week, we’re talking about a very serious topic that affects and hurts so many people. Codependent behaviors are terrible for the health of relationships and the people-pleasing can create toxic mindsets of anxiety and needing control.

By uncovering the deep roots of these behaviors, we can start being more...

Sep 13, 2019

On today’s episode, I’m talking about how we can embrace the empathy within us and let our feelings guide us in our practice without weighing us down and deflating us. When we empower ourselves through this feeling, we can stop spinning and start on the road to success in business and personal growth....

Sep 6, 2019

Tune in as we deconstruct why it is you are having trouble figuring out what you want to offer the world and how you can finally create the incredibly impactful business that you have always wanted.

Get full show notes and more information here: